Out of the topographic conditions the best option is to build a
long-streched suspension bridge. During the first trip we measured the
site and identified the important landmarks. If you click on the
drawing below, you can open a pdf-file (rightclick to download, 338 KB)
with figures and pictures corresponding to the sketch.

the pylons we designed a construction consisting of four wooden logs on
each side of the river. Whether we can stick to this idea or not will
depend on the static calculations.

At the moment there are two major concerns:
First: In interrelation with an appropriate sag of the bridge deck,
the pylons might get too high and cannot be errected easily anymore.
Second: The higher the pylons the slender becomes the construction.
At the end it might not be stable enough to hold a bridge of that lenght.
So before we go on, we wait for the statics, that will be done
as a sponsorship by an engineering consultant Karsten Fuge
we often work with on other projects.